2025: BIRTH TO 4
Can You Dance Like a Peacock?
by Rekha S. Rajan
Learn about animals and get grooving with this fun and lively picture book from a renowned STEAM expert and arts educator! Can YOU dance like a peacock? Stand up straight, fluff your feathers, stretch your neck, and STRUT STRUT STRUT! Discover the amazing ways that animals use movement to communicate! Lighthearted text and vibrant illustrations teach readers how honeybees waggle, dolphins splash, and flamingoes march. It even invites kids to get up and try out some animal-inspired dance moves themselves. Perfect for classroom movement breaks!
by Molly Cranch
Is that a regular tree branch, or is a cricket perched on its leaf? Is that a bird standing in the reeds, or is the wind blowing its stems? Some animals are very good at hiding. So good, in fact, that you could almost miss them entirely . . . Almost!
Moms Can Do It All!
by Ted Maass
This year, celebrate Mom with this adorable board book young readers can personally inscribe and dedicate to their mom: the superhero! Beautiful illustrations and inspiring, rhyming verses make this the perfect gift for moms and for birthdays year-round. Young ones will love sharing this book with Mom and learning all the exciting things mothers can do—and everything they can do, too!
Also, celebrate Dad with the book ... Dads Can Do It All!
Sleepy: Surprising Ways Animals Snooze
by Jennifer Ward
Just like people, all animals need sleep, but not all animals sleep in the same way. When dolphins sleep, half their brain stays awake. Snakes sleep with their eyes open. Giraffes sleep in five-minute intervals, while koalas sleep for twenty-two hours a day! From grizzly bears to hummingbirds, there are creatures of all sizes and habitats to wish a good night in this cozy and compelling book.
Painting the Sky with Love: A Celebration of Love and Community
by Mary E. Haque
A child flings open her arms to the sky, “painting it” with love. Hearts cascade and float and bounce down, while at the same time, people looking up at the sky open their hearts. This surreal, glorious expansiveness tapers down to tiny moments of love and kindness. Painting the Sky with Love is bursting with joy. Radiant art from Tatiana Gardel fills the pages, and hearts will be lifted as each page is turned. In a world that often feels heavily weighed down by hate, this celebratory embrace of love and tenderness can offer some welcome warmth.
Play Outside with Me
by Kat Chen
This board book series invites young readers to take part in a playdate activity of their choice, thereby empowering them with autonomy and validation. In this second book, the outdoor playdate models balanced and shared play, creating a positive reference for what caring and considered friendship looks like. Many toddlers and preschoolers consistently ask for someone to play with them, and this book provides just that for the quieter moments of the day. Simple language and gentle questions will help children develop their social skills by practicing conversations, all while engaging them in fun and familiar topics.
Also, check out the book ... Play With Me.